The Delaware Valley Model "A" Ford Club was founded in 1958. We are a local affiliate of the Model "A" Restorers Club, Inc., a national organization. We meet every first Thursday night of the month at Daley's Service Center 2749 Bristol Pike in Bensalem, PA. at 7:30pm. The meetings generally have a tech topic of discussion to further educate our members and guests on the inner workings of the Henry Ford's Model "A" automobile. Club projects are also worked on. Membership in the club is open to all. Ownership of a Model "A" Ford is not required to join. We only request that you have an interest in the Model "A" Ford. Our members generally are from Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia areas. Our club participates in parades, local car shows, holds tours and other events. All club events are open to family members. For further information, please contact us. Email: info@DVMAFC.org or contact one of our officers.
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Copyright 2019, Delaware Valley Model "A" Ford Club, Inc. Disclaimer: This organization is not affiliated with Ford Motor Company in any way. All rights reserved.