Vehicles owned by our club members. Click on the thumbnail to view the image.
Joe Weldon's Joe Weldon's Chuck Staehly's
1931 Ford Pickup 1931 Deluxe Tudor 1931 Ford Station Wagon
The Etling's The Etling's The Etling's
1931 Deluxe Tudor 1929 Pickup 1931 AA Fire Truck
Andy Korhonen's Steve Organ's Monica Cody's
1931 Slant Window 1914 Ford Model T 1931 Deluxe Roadster
Al Kubis' Donna & John Daley's Rich Winans'
1983 Monte Carlo 1950 Ford Woody 1928 Leatherback
Carol & Tom Boles' Bob Coates' Don O'Hara's
1966 Ford Galaxie 500 1931 Deluxe Roadster 1930 Tudor (Canadian)
Ruth & Pete's Tom & Elaine Bowman's William Long's
1929 Rumble Seat Coupe 1929 Ford Tudor 1930 Ford Fordor
Steve Organ's Bill & Jim Maier's Don Fortune's
1930 Blindback Fordor 1928 Tudor (Denmark) 1929 Leatherback Fordor
Jack Fritsch's Ken May's Ruth & Pete's
1931 Deluxe Coupe 1931 Deluxe Roadster 1931 Deluxe Roadster
Painting of David Miller's Tim Boles'
Rosa Maria and 1929 Fordor Leatherback 1931 Pickup
David Miller in their
1929 Fordor Leatherback
Etling Family's Bill Griffith's Bob Verrall's
1930 Roadster 1931 Coupe 1931 Pickup
Carl Pfeiffer's Jim Gray's John Sheaffer's
1930 Pickup 1931 Roadster 1930 Tudor
Paul Christensen Ron Kerr Al Kubis'
1931 Deluxe Coupe 1980 Ford Shay 1964 Dart GT
Tom & Pat Smith's Bill Chamberlain's Bill Chamberlain's
1930 Model AA Truck 1930 Coupe 1959 Nash Metropolitan
Mike Jones' Bob & Joan Russell Bob & Carol Pilon
1930 Roadster 1930 Tudor 1953 Chevy Pickup
Dave & Shirley Sadowl Don & Carol Mannherz Paul Pettet & Margie Gray
1931 Wide Bed Pick Up 1930 Roadster 1931 Slant Window Sedan
Joe & Cheryl Chaimberlain Joe & Cheryl Chaimberlain Steve Davidson
1956 Thunderbird 1965 Mustang GT 1930 Coupe
Shelly Rosen's Stace Leichliter's
1929 Std. Roadster 1931 Deluxe Roadster
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Copyright 2019, Delaware Valley Model "A" Ford Club, Inc. Disclaimer: This organization is not affiliated with Ford Motor Company in any way. All rights reserved.